Medi – Mediation

North Wales Mediation Service

A dispute or conflict can prove to be costly – emotionally, financially and time consuming.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Take that logical first step to resolution and make that date to mediate.

Move on with Empathy, Dignity and Independence and create new horizons.

Mediation Service


The value of mediation has been reinforced in recent high - profile cases (including Guardian article on Alfie evans)


We have extensive experience in the field of children’s services (see summaries ‘About Us’ below and full Curriculum Vitae available by request) and are aware of the human cost of unresolved conflict. We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Mediation Service, ‘Medi – Mediate’, its aim being to improve outcomes for children, individuals and families with benefits also for professionals and organisations.


  • We are registered social workers independent of the legal profession and the court arena.
  • We have successfully completed recognised mediation training
  • We are skilled professionals with extensive experience in family and court work with a proven capacity to work with individuals and professionals to achieve a common goal in the best interests of the child.
  • We have a sound personal and professional value base and adhere to our registration body’s (Social Care Wales) Duty of Candour and Professional Codes of Conduct and Ethics.
  • We have a proven capacity to deal with sensitive and complex situations requiring inter personal skills of the highest order.
  • We have proven personal and professional integrity, giving due regard to confidentiality and retaining individuals’ dignity at all times.
  • We have references available from a range of professionals and organisations.
  • We have seen the impact and trauma of unresolved conflict on many individuals and families and feel that there is another way to move individuals on to better horizons.
  • We value diversity and are both bilingual.
  • We can provide a co-working facility which gives added value.
  • We contribute to our communities e.g. former school governor and Cylch Meithrin and After School Club registered persons.


Nia Hardaker has...
Non Davies has thirty four years’ experience in local authority and voluntary child care settings culminating in a range of experiences and skills including court work; child care consultancy including chairing of fostering and adoption panels and as Interim Manager of the North Wales Safeguarding Board’s Business Unit; project managing (setting up of services including the North Wales Adoption Service and the regional implementation of the National Fostering Framework); independent review author (Domestic Homicide Reviews; Serious Case Reviews; Child Practice Reviews) and Independent Trainer (regional and national) including Safeguarding and all aspects of the Well-being and Social Services (Wales) Act.


